Bajaj has launched a new Discover motorcycle with advanced features, even better than bikes like Bajaj Pulsar 150 or TVS Apache RTR , at a very affordable price. This bike is specially designed to fit within a budget so that even people with limited income can afford it. It comes with a high-quality engine and excellent mileage.
Bajaj Discover: Exceptional Design and Impressive Features
The Bajaj Discover motorcycle offers a strong and durable design with high-quality features, making it perfect for long journeys. It also has a stylish and attractive look, featuring a modern and sleek design. This bike is equipped with all the latest technology features to ensure a great riding experience.
Engine Power:-
The Bajaj Discover comes with a powerful 145.89 cc engine that provides a smooth and premium riding experience. It also features a dual-channel system and a 5-speed manual gearbox for better control and performance. When it comes to mileage, this bike offers an impressive 72 km per liter of petrol, making it both powerful and fuel-efficient.
Price :-
The regular price of the Bajaj Discover motorcycle is around ₹74,000. However, for the current price, it’s best to visit your nearest showroom for the latest details.